Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Hei….Are you Finnish?

So you all know Maija is half Finnish, right? And she’s a Finn magnet. It doesn’t matter where we go she will find a Finn. A year ago on our honeymoon, we went scuba diving and the first people we met were a Finnish couple on holiday, we go to church, the first lady Maija meets is Finnish, we change wards in Seattle….yep another Finn. Today, we took a train ride up the mountain to Karunda, a touristy artist community. We’re standing on the platform to board and yep…..a Finnish couple chatting it up!!!!

Karunda is a rainforest community about 25km west of Cairns, we took a train ride up the mountain then returned via a sky rail tram, which had great views of the coastline. There are several aboriginal tribes around this area,. They have a unique style of painting, which had seen on a documentary back home. We had decided before we came that this would be something that we’ld like to purchase as our Australian souvenir. Today we found one that we both really liked. I hope we don’t find something we like better or cheaper elsewhere on our trip.

Here is a picture depicting the art style, as a mural on the wall outside of the art gallery.

PS. Maija successfully drove us to town tonight, it wasn't too scary...:)

PSS. We ate kangaroo for dinner and it was very good, could hardly tell it wasn't beef.

PSSS. The local news reported that they caught a croc on the beach inside the stinger net....the protective barrier for swimming.......YA RIGHT!!!!!!!!


  1. You know, I meet Finns everywhere I go, too. All I can say is, "My best friend's mom is from Finland"... not quite the same impact, but it's all I got.

    The pictures look beautiful!

  2. Go Maija! Way to drive on the wrong side of the road!

    I'm glad you got to take a train. That's my favorite thing to do so you can see more of the countryside.

    Sounds like you're having fun! Go Finns!


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